SHPO Requests for Proposals

Request for Proposal: 23-505-7088-50145


Project Title:

Historic Land Research Planning within the San Antonio de las Huertas Land Grant



The New Mexico Historic Preservation Division is requesting proposals to complete a historic land research and planning project within the San Antonio de las Huertas Land Grant.  The project’s scope of work includes project management, a cultural resources survey, archaeological survey, a historic report, and the development of interpretive and directional signage. Please see RFP for details.



The Request for Proposal will be issued on December 19, 2022. To obtain the bid package, download the RFP package, below, or email your request to Gail Craven at or by phone at 505-476-0523


Proposal Due Date and Time:

Proposals must be received no later than:

     3:00 pm MST/DST January 17, 2023


Submissions must clearly indicate that they are in response to RFP 23-505-7088-50145


Request for Proposal - DOWNLOAD HERE



** UPDATE **

The Department of Cultural Affairs, Historic Preservation Division has reviewed the proposals that were received by the proposal deadline of January 17, 2023, for RFP #23-505-7088-50145 Historic Land Research and Planning within the San Antonio de las Huertas Land Grant project. We are pleased to announce “Statistical Research, Inc. of Albuquerque, New Mexico, was selected for a tentative price agreement.  If you have additional questions regarding this procurement you may contact the Procurement Manager of this RFP - Gail Craven at or 505-476-0523.