Section 106
Public or private projects using federal funds or needing a federal permit or license must be planned to take into consideration effects on historic properties. Federal agencies or the delegated official must initiate consultation with the Sate Historic Preservation Officer and Native American Tribes as part of the Section 106 review process as established in the National Historic Preservation Act.
Before submitting your project for review, please take a moment to review HPD’s recent summary presentation of the Section 106 process. Then use our downloadable checklist to ensure everything needed for your project is included so HPD can complete the review in a timely manner. If you have any questions when preparing your submittal, please contact this office at (505) 827-6320 and a staff person will assist you.
The guidelines HPD uses to review applications for cell tower placement are at The revised laws provide more uniformity in the placement of cell towers and provide new standards for consultation.
A county-by-county working list for determining which Native American Indian tribes want to be consulted for proposed projects in various geographic parts of New Mexico, and contact information for pueblos and reservations are available for download here in MS Word format. It has been generated from Native American land claims, an HPD ethnographic study, the National Park Service’s Native American Consultation Database, and tribes telling us directly that they wish to be consulted for at least “certain projects” in that specific county.
We are always in the process of updating and refining consultative efforts. It is not a definitive list, and may change depending on the type and location of the proposed project. Tribes wishing to amend or change their areas of geographic interest should contact HPD at 505-827-6320; fax 505-827-6338; or by writing to:
State of New Mexico
New Mexico Historic Preservation
Division, Department of Cultural Affairs
407 Galisteo
St., Ste. 236
Santa Fe, NM 87501