Training & Continuing Education

Training & Continuing Education

Historic Preservation Division Staff are pleased to offer a variety of workshops, or talks about HPD’s programs.  These may be offered via conference calls, meetings, or presentations. Several national organizations regularly offer valuable training covering a wide variety of preservation-related topics. These include:

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

National Preservation Institute

National Alliance of Preservation Commissions

New Mexico Archaeological Council


SHPO Directory

In order for individuals and firms to be listed on or to retain listing on the SHPO Directory of Qualified Supervisory Personnel under archaeology, architectural history, historic architecture, or history, continuing education is required and meet the specifications outlined in 4.10.08 NMAC

The current SHPO Directory may be found HERE.  

Below are recent presentations/trainings: 

Built Environment Workshop, New Mexico Archaeological Council, December 3, 2020


A Brief Primer on Historic Integrity, Steven Moffson


Navajo Preparatory School: Pursuit of Integrity from the Past, and Into the Future, Lynette Pollari, Ph.D.

 A video of the Built Environment Workshop from December 3, 2020, may be viewed below: