The CPRC issues archaeological permits to qualified individuals, firms or institutions to conduct archaeological investigations.
Most archaeological investigations are conducted under the General Archaeological Investigation Permit. The General Permit authorizes a firm to conduct archaeological surveys, test excavation and monitoring on state land.
A Project-Specific permit authorizes survey and inventory, test excavation, monitoring or excavation on state land for applicants who propose to conduct sample survey, thematic survey or other research surveys on state land; for applicants who propose to substitute alternate field methods for the standards in 4.10.15 NMAC, 4.10.16 NMAC or 4.10.17 NMAC; for applicants who perform surveys of state trust land other than surveys performed pursuant to a general permit [e.g. research]; or for who propose to conduct scientific investigation of an archaeological site or other areas o historic or scientific interest utilizing ground disturbing techniques in accordance with an approved research design prepared pursuant to 4.10.16 NMAC. Excavation may be performed as part of a data recovery program designed to mitigate adverse effects of projects.
A Mechanical Excavation Permit is issued by the CPRC when an applicant proposes to excavate an archaeological site on private land using mechanical earth moving equipment pursuant to 4.10.14 NMAC.
An Annual Unmarked Human Burial Excavation Permit is issued to qualified firms or individuals for the excavation of any human burial discovered in the course of construction or other land modification. Please review 4.10.11 NMAC for more information.
An Individual Case Permit to Excivate Human Burial(s) is issued to qualified firms or individuals who propose to excavate human burial(s) in an unmarked human burial ground. This permit typically is issued to applicants who propose to excavate an archaeological site where unmarked human burials are known to exist. Please review 4.10.11 NMAC for more information.
All forms can be found on the Forms and Documents page.