Nominating Properties to the State Register of Cultural Properties
- Any individual or group may prepare a nomination form for a property to be considered for listing in the State Register of Cultural Properties by completing a State Register of Cultural Properties Nomination Form.
- HPD staff reviews the nomination for completeness working as closely with the persons preparing the nomination as possible.
- HPD notifies the owners, applicants and the chief elected local officials a minimum of 30 days prior to the CPRC meeting. Certified Local Government communities receive a 60-day notification for National Register nominations. The nomination is posted on HPD’s web site at least two weeks prior to the date of a CPRC meeting at which the property will be considered for listing. The Cultural Properties Review Committee agenda and related press release are distributed to media and legislators.
- At the CPRC meeting, the committee can list the property in the State Register, reject the listing or ask for revisions to the nomination.
- Following the meeting, owners and locally elected officials are notified of the CPRC's decision.
- For owners seeking tax credits, properties must be listed in the State Register prior to commencement of rehabilitation work.
- It is important for owners interested in registration and tax credits to remember that the CPRC meets bi-monthly. The committee's meeting schedule is posted on this website. Unless owners have worked closely with the Historic Preservation Division on both the nomination preparation and the tax credit preparation, the CPRC may not approve registration and the tax credit application at the same meeting.
- For properties that are considered eligible for both the State Register and National Register the National Register process is followed.
- The state provides official guidance for maintaining and preserving state registered properties: Preservation and Maintenance of State Registered Cultural Properties, 4 NMAC 10.4
Nominating Properties to the National Register of Historic Places
- Any individual or group may prepare a National Register of Historic Places nomination form for a property he/they think meets the National Register Criteria. District, multiple property or other complex nominations are usually prepared by professional contractors.
- National Register Nomination Form
- National Register Continuation Sheet
- National Register Multiple Property Form
- Nominations prepared in states that have approved National Historic Preservation Programs must be submitted to the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO).
- Nominations are reviewed by SHPO staff for adherence to guidelines and regulations outlined in Bulletin 15, Bulletin 16A and 16B and CFR 36.60.
- When nominations are determined to be complete, staff will place such nominations on the next Cultural Properties Review Committee meeting agenda.
- All owners and interested parties must be notified of the CPRC meeting at which the nomination will be considered at least 30 days prior to the meeting date, and in the case of Certified Local Governments, 60 days before the meeting.
- Private owners are made aware that their property cannot be formally listed in the National Register without their consent, however the property can be determined eligible. There is no public consent provision. (For districts, 50% of owners must consent to listing.)
- Based on the information in the National Register nomination presented to the CPRC and their knowledge of the property and the National Register criteria, the advisory body can reject the nomination, request additional information or recommend the property to the National Register. Owners are notified of the CPRC's decision.
- When considered complete, nominations are forwarded to the National Register for the Keeper's approval. The Keeper can reject the nomination, ask for revisions or list the property. Owners are notified of the Keeper's decision.
- If the Keeper decides not to list a property, there is an appeal process. (36 CFR 60.12)
See also:
National Register of Historic Places website