Architectural & Historical Consultants
Individuals listed in the SHPO Directory of Qualified Supervisory Personnel under architectural history, historic architecture, or history.

Chart of Experience
Use this chart to document your professional archaeological experience.

Continuing Education Credit Guidelines
Credit requirements and the number of credits earned per activity.

Continuing Education Credits Cover Sheet
Form for listing activities and credits earned

Cultural Anthropologists
The following is a list of firms who employ individuals listed on the SHPO Directory of Qualified Supervisory Personnel under cultural anthropology.

Cultural Resource Consultants
The current list of consultants who hold a General Archaeological Investigation Permit and/or an Annual Unmarked Human Burial Excavation Permit

SHPO Directory
This is a list of Individuals on the SHPO Directory, the discipline they have been approved for and their due date for submitting continuing education credits.

SHPO Directory Application for Archaeology
Application for CPRC approval to be included in the SHPO Directory

SHPO Directory Application for Architectural History
Form for preservation professionals with expertise in architectural history to apply for CPRC approval of their qualifications to be included in the SHPO Directory.

SHPO Directory Application for Cultural Anthropology
Form for Anthropologists to apply for CPRC approval of their qualifications

SHPO Directory Application for History
Form for CPRC approval of an historian's qualifications to be included in the SHPO Directory.

SHPO Directory Application--Historic Architecture
Form for a consultant's qualifications to be approved by the CPRC for working on historic architecture.