Awarding Grants from the Cultural Properties Restoration Fund, Cultural Properties Publications Revolving Fund & Historic Preservation Loan Fund
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Cultural Properties Act, NMSA 18-6-1 - 17
The Cultural Properties Act establishes the Cultural Properties Review Committee (CPRC) and outlines its powers and duties. The CPA establishes the Historic Preservation Division (HPD), provides information about the qualifications and role of the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), information about state undertakings, damage to cultural property, cultural property on private land, excavation permits, confidentiality, unmarked burials. The CPA established the role of state historian, state archaeologist, and cultural properties publications, and designation of state monuments.

Cultural Properties Protection Act, NMSA 18-6A-1 - 6
Cultural property protection laws for the state of New Mexico

Cultural Properties Review Committee Procedures
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Implementation of Historic and Prehistoric Sites Preservation Act
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List of State Statutes, Rules and Regulations for Historic Preservation
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MainStreet Revolving Loan Fund Act
State Statutes governing MainStreet loans

New Mexico Historic Districts & Landmarks Act
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New Mexico Prehistoric and Historic Sites Preservation Act
State law affecting the use of lands listed in the State Register of Cultural Properties and the National Register of Historic Places.

NM Reburial Grounds Act, NMSA 18-6-24 - 27
State laws affecting the reburial of unearthed human remains and funery objects.

NMAC 4.10.08 - Permits to Conduct Archaeological Investigations on State Land
CPRC rule that describes the procedures used to review and issue permits for state land and establishes professional qualification standards.

NMAC 4.10.11 - Issuance of Permits for Unmarked Human Burials
Regulation establishing the procedures for the issuance of permits to excavate unmarked human burials on state or private land in New Mexico.

NMAC 4.10.14 - Cultural Properties on Private Land and Mechanical Excavation Permits
NMAC 4.10.14 describes procedures used to assist owners to preserve cultural
properties and registered cultural properties situated on privately owned land and the procedures and standards to
excavate an archaeological site on private land using mechanical earth-moving equipment.

NMAC 4.10.15 - Standards for Survey and Inventory
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NMAC 4.10.16 - Standards for Excavation and Test Excavation
NMAC 4.10.16 establishes standards and procedures to excavate archeological sites and areas of historic and scientific interest and to conduct test excavations of archaeological sites on land owned, controlled or operated by a department, agency, institution or political subdivision of the state.

NMAC 4.10.17 - Standards for Monitoring
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Preparation and Selection of Text for Official Scenic Historic Markers
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Preservation and Maintenance of Registered Properties
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Review of State Undertakings that May Affect Registered Properties
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State Income Tax Credit for Approved Restorations and Rehabilitation
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Title 4 Cultural Resources Chapter 10
A list by title and number of state rules and regulation affecting archaeology, preservation programs, human burials, excavations, financial incentives and granting authority.